Chaplain's Comments

I was the Chaplain of the Hamilton County Jail for nine and a half years where 1900-2100 are booked each month. Therefore, I know many of these individuals and they know me.  I always wish that there was someone in the community, who would be involved with them after they leave the jail.

Now that I have retired, I have some financially freedom so I can be a Chaplain in the community available to give ex-offenders the same care that I gave them when they were in the jail.

In the '60s there was a television show called. "Have Gun Will travel." It was about a traveling bounty hunter. I want to be, "Have Chaplain will travel."  I want to travel to ex-offenders' homes to provide support, family and personal counseling, accountabilty, and guidance including referrals to helpful agencies

Hopefully, we can help provide solutions so an ex-offender will choose to reject any kind of criminal activities. I want to be a Chaplain "with the keys" to help them remain unshackled! On this website are many keys that address all the main issues that influences ex-offenders to get back involved in criminal activities!

Now that there is  a new Chaplain in the jail I want to support him. I hope that he will have a genuine compassion for the men there; including inmates and officers with a real desire to reach them with the gospel and disciple them with the Word of God. Above all, I hope that he will allow the Lord to orchestrate his activities and exalt the Lord Jesus Christ in the process.

My prayer is that he will be more than an administrator, which I know is what the administration wants him to be!  I hope that he will have greater success than I ever had!

I praise the Lord that He gave me a lot of success in evangelizing,
baptizing and discipling a lot of individuals over a period of nine and a half years. I also praising Him for helping me counsel with victims of arrest development, substance abuse, and sexual abuse with a unusual ability to probe them and lead them to find therapeutic solutions.

The only reason that I was able to have a powerful impact on these individuals is the fact that the Lord trained me over a period
of twenty-five years and that He directly influenced the administration in 2000 to make me the Chaplain despite my criminal history. The Lord orchestrated all the 22 programs that we put into the jail and I lean on Him to give the wisdom to get the job done. To God be all the glory-great things that He has done!!!

I must praise the Lord for former Sheriff John C. Cupp and Chief of Corrections, Jim Hart, who gave me the freedom to saturate the jail with the Word of God. Unbelieveably, they allowed me to have two or three Crusades a year with over fifty volunteers ministering to every inmate in the jail for a period of three days. A total of twenty hours during each crusade.

I also want to praise the Lord for my two associate chaplain, Don Dillman and Nathan Chandler, who helped me in all my duties. I cannot thank the Lord enough for Don Dillman, who taught a new converts class every week that enabled us to get new believer grounded in spiritual truths.  The Lord blessed us greatly because of that class. His class was so important because I constantly saw 60-70 profession of faith every month.

I am also am very thankful for volunteers like Dr. Bob Sanders, Scott Leach, and Rodney Thompson, who consistently ministered in the jail for more twelve years.  There are so many others like Charles Newton, Kevin Caudle, Vernon Sneed, Darrell and David Coffman, Ed Cristy, Floyd Richardson, George Woodruff, Tracy Petty, Robert Ledford, and Guy Harris, who ministered in the jail for more than five years.  They were keys to our success!

I praise the Lord for three special inmate workers, who are in the ministry and have lived successful Christian lives for more than five year!  They are: Joel Davenport, Joel Perez, and Matt Hoover
who have led hundreds of individuals to the Lord.  They encourage me and I am so thankful that the Lord allowed me to play a small part in their spiritual growth.

I also want to praise the Lord for Dyron Yokley, a former gang leader and Muslim, who led more than a hundred inmates to the Lord during his eighteen months in the jail. He allowed me to experience a great outpouring of God's Spirit on young African-American gang members.  I was always very disappointment
for many years in our inability to reach them with the gospel!
I also want to note that three former Arian Nation leaders (white supremacy) told me that Dyron Yokley had a powerful spiritual impact on them!!!

Therefore, I praise the Lord for allowing me to be a part of such a poweful ministry for almost ten years-it was a God thing and He deserves ALL the praise, honor, and glory.

I am thankful for a new challenge with the AILS program, which is a domestic violence program. We will soon have a drug and alcoholic program. I am thrilled that it looks like it is a God-Thing for me to be able to work with my three former ex- inmate workers, who are fervent soul winners.  It appears that the Lord has orchestrated it so we will be able to minister together. That is an awesome thing: John 14:12. I also will continue preaching in jails, prisons, and churches. It has been quite a ride and adventure-Thank you Lord!!!
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